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iOS 'Receipt is invalid' Megathread

  • 8 February 2023
  • 51 replies

If you’re here, it’s probably because you’ve encountered an active issue related to Apple’s receipt verification.

RevenueCat relies upon Apple’s `verifyReceipt` endpoint which is currently facing an outage:

This seems to be affecting sandbox and TestFlight purchases only at this time, although Apple’s status page doesn’t mention it explicitly.

Encountering this issue? Post below ⬇️ RevenueCat isn’t able to resolve this at this time from our end, but it may help bring awareness and ease to other developers facing the same issue.

Update 2/8/23 19:20 UTC:

Customers (and me 😃) reporting things are working as expected again - post below if you’re still having trouble, seems like a slow rollout of a fix from Apple.

Update 2/8/23 17:40 UTC:

Apple’s reporting the issue is fixed, but we’re still encountering errors. Will provide another update as soon as possible.

51 replies

Userlevel 1
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Hope they will resolve it soon ! :) 

Userlevel 6
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Update: Apple’s reporting the issue is fixed, but we’re still encountering errors. Will provide another update as soon as possible.

Userlevel 1
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Update: Apple’s reporting the issue is fixed, but we’re still encountering errors. Will provide another update as soon as possible.

For me, it is working 😍

Userlevel 1
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Update: Apple’s reporting the issue is fixed, but we’re still encountering errors. Will provide another update as soon as possible.

For me, it is working 😍

im still facing this error untill now  , are you happy now ?😂

Badge +4

I’m located in the US. Not fixed for me yet. 

Userlevel 1
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Update: Apple’s reporting the issue is fixed, but we’re still encountering errors. Will provide another update as soon as possible.

For me, it is working 😍

im still facing this error untill now  , are you happy now ?😂

More than happy !! 😂

Badge +4

I’m located in the US. Not fixed for me yet. 

It just started working !!! 

Badge +2

@cody What’s the appropriate behavior of an app if it encounters a “Receipt Invalid” response during a purchase?  Not only is it showing “Receipt Invalid” but looking up entitlements in customerinfo shows an empy list, and that’s how my app checks for a subscription.  Does this mean that during this issue there is no way to check if a user is subscribed, or is there a workaround?


I just tested via TestFlight with a real icloud account, I’m still seeing the issue, getting receipt invalid after a purchase, entitlements return empty from Revenuecat, if I try to purchase again it says already subscribed.

Userlevel 2
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I was able to make a consumable and sub purchase in the sandbox for the first time since Monday night.  I did it on my iPad. When I did a restore purchases attempt on my iPhone I got the same invalid receipt nonsense I’ve been getting since Tuesday BUT when I backed out of my purchases view the app recognized that a sub was valid and adjusted accordingly. I’m just glad things are back to normal so that I can keep developing.

Badge +5

For me it is still not working, I am trying to buy a subscription in sandbox mode (testflight) on iOS.


Badge +1

Still having this issue in West US when testing using a sandbox user on a device. I am getting an Apple purchases success modal for the purchase first, then getting the “receipt not valid” error. If I wait to click “Ok” on the Apple success modal it appears to work, but if clicking “Ok” quickly it throw “receipt not valid”.


Could be a race condition issue on Apple’s end? Hopefully it’s actually only affecting sandbox.

Badge +5

The exact same problem is happening to me @Dylan Thomas

Badge +2

Same here in Europe. Not resolved! Still not working. Expo with Revenuecat eas development build:

{"code":"8","message":"The receipt is not valid.","domain":"RevenueCat.ErrorCode","userInfo":{"NSUnderlyingError":{"code":"7103","message":"underlying error","domain":"RevenueCat.BackendErrorCode","userInfo":{"NSLocalizedDescription":"The receipt is not valid."},"nativeStackIOS" blablabla

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Those of you still having trouble try signing out of your sandbox account and back in again.  On my iPad I just tried a sub purchase and it was failing repeatedly.  After sign out/in it worked on the first attempt.

Badge +5

Thanks @Chris-29 my subscriptions are working now.
Hey @Dylan Thomas and @user9837291 try the @Chris-29 `s solution.

Badge +2

Signing out and back in with a sandbox account worked, but logging in with my iCloud account on TestFlight still did not work!  I know behind the scenes Apple makes a Sandbox account for TestFlight users, how can I force it to log out of that account to fix this issue?

Badge +5

Signing out and back in with a sandbox account worked, but logging in with my iCloud account on TestFlight still did not work!  I know behind the scenes Apple makes a Sandbox account for TestFlight users, how can I force it to log out of that account to fix this issue?

Try creating a new tester account


Hi! Worked for a few hours and the problems started again. Is it really so? The Apple page says that the service is working properly, but I started getting sandbox errors again


update: worked again after several attempts, without changing anything


I still have the issue with a StoreKit config file and iOS simulator. Are there any updates on this issue?

Badge +5

I still have the issue with a StoreKit config file and iOS simulator. Are there any updates on this issue?

I'm trying via testflight and it's working correctly, I haven't tested it with StoreKit

Userlevel 1
Badge +7

Still seeing this on the most recent version of the revenue cat SDK (react native js). This is not an issue production at all? Only in testFlight?


Userlevel 1
Badge +5

I just got this today. Is it still a thing?

Badge +1

I’m getting this today as well


Domain=RevenueCat.ErrorCode Code=8 "The receipt is not valid." UserInfo={source_function=convertUnsuccessfulResponseToError(), source_file=RevenueCat/HTTPClient.swift:415, NSLocalizedDescription=The receipt is not valid., readable_error_code=INVALID_RECEIPT, NSUnderlyingError=0x600003a040c0 {Error Domain=RevenueCat.BackendErrorCode Code=7103 "The receipt is not valid." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The receipt is not valid., rc_backend_error_code=7103}}, rc_response_status_code=400, rc_backend_error_code=7103}

Badge +1

cc @cody Looks like this is back???


Userlevel 1
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I copied the example code that had usesStoreKit2IfAvailable set to true. I changed it false, and I see the error much less, but I have to release the app again.
