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I'm moving from my paid iOS app to a subscription model. I synced the build number of the paid app using the purchaseHelper.

CompatibilityAccessManager.shared.syncReceiptIfNeededAndRegister(entitlements: :

            .init(entitlement: "premium", compatibleVersions: r"1", "2", "3","4","5"])



How can I test that existing paying users are converted to Premium before releasing the app?

If I buy a paid app on my device and update it to a test flight, will I be able to test it?


Hey @dobiho,

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible to test well before release to production as sandbox/TestFlight apps always report the version as being “1.0”.

Before making the change completely, you could either add “1.0” as a registered version to test in sandbox, or add a secret feature in your app that uses this logic so you can confirm it works for you in production.

Let me know if you have any other questions!
