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Google I/O 22 Announcements - RC Product Priorities

What features are you the most excited about?
What would you like to learn more about?

Many updates and changes have been introduced during Google I/O 22 and our team is busy deep diving into these topics and prioritizing them according to your needs. We would love to hear your thoughts and needs on these features.

  • New Subscription Model - is it all clear what that means or would you rather we just take care of it? 
  • Play Console – how does your setup look after the changes? does this create an opportunity for your app?
  • Flexible Offers - would you see yourself making a use of this? 
  • Prepaid plans - does this solve an issue for you? would you like to learn more about the payment landscape of recurring payments? 
  • Play Index - do you see yourself using the index moving forwards? If so, what kinds of communications would you expect from RevenueCat?

Excited to hear from you!

62 replies

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Hey, thanks for the update. 

Seems to work fine. I hope this is stable enough for production, as we are shortly before launching our app and I’d like to skip the old subscription model altogether.

Hello Everyone, 

As we mentioned before, this is one of our priorities this quarter and we are at a point that we would like to get your feedback. 

Joining a call with the Product Manager & Developer working on this will enable you to make an impact on our product and highlight your needs and use cases. 

In case a call or the date/time doesn’t suit you, we can also do it via email. If you like this post, we will reach out to you. 

Thank you and have a great week!


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Is it possible to be more explicit in the docs on the Android section to include supported libraries (as highlighted this thread in github)?

It would be good to have it called out on the SDK docs that only version `4.x.x` of Google Play’s billing client is supported

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

We are about to change subscription prices in some countries due to inflation. One of the new features Google Play now supports is changing subscription prices just for new users - so existing users keep the old subscription prices. Is this supported by RevenueCat already? Or will we see wrong numbers in RevenueCat when doing that?

Userlevel 3
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Ultimately it’s my call how much resourcing we throw at it so don’t blame anyone but me. However, like most problems in computers, more people does not equal more faster. 


The truth is Google just threw some stupid curveballs that our architecture wasn’t quite expecting so we have to back and make some tricky changes. It’s like surgery, two surgeons will not make the surgery go faster. We’re making progress though, and think we have it all figured out. I’ll see if we can update this thread with more concrete timelines once we’ve got everything more laid out.

In the mean time, there isn’t very much in the new subscription stuff that is going to make or break your app business. Spend the time improving your paywall, refining your app, and talking to customers. That will have a bigger effect on bottom line than Google’s special tricks. At least that’s my belief. 

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This subscription has been migrated from a legacy subscription and is read-only

You can make this subscription editable. This means that you will no longer be able to configure or update this subscription through the InAppProducts API.


When I going to update my existing subscription, it shows me an alert message. If I change it to editable, is it work properly or not?? It is very much urgent to edit my subscription.

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Can I change it? Please ensure me. Because of my apps on live. Both android & iOS version. If I change android subscription, is't work properly??


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Unfortunately, the process is too long, I have to turn to alternative services. Bye but I'm still following you.

We are deep into the weeds of figuring out the new Google Subscription Model to be able to simplify your adoption of it.

TL;DR: We are looking to release a Beta by the end of Q4. Are you interested in participating in that?

Why is it taking this long, you might ask?

We started scoping out this project immediately following the announcement. Currently, we have four full-time engineers working on this along with our senior designer. This team will keep this as their top priority until we release. Other product releases might happen in the meantime but those do not interfere with our focus on this.

We have bumped into many challenges along the way, let me mention a few:

- No ability to get purchased base plan and offer from a subscription → Issue tracker on Google 

 - No ability to get price information from the API → Jacob Eiting has tweeted about this 

 - Having to add an entirely new concept to our backend (the "subscription") since base plans don't have unique identifiers

We have worked through some of these challenges and we are speeding towards an internal release and a testing process in the upcoming weeks.

Once we have a successful purchase, we will complete this initial release with events and some of our other core functionality.

We aim to release a basic purchase flow and setup in beta by the end of Q4 for you to test, however bear in mind that this version will not support Observer mode and Restore.

We will keep you posted and thank you so much for your patience and support!

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How is the work going? @AnnaToro 
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How is the work going? @AnnaToro 

We will be working closely with the RevenueCat team once they are ready to beta the changes in Q4 2022 / Q1 2023.
As Anna kindly provided us a Q4 beta test estimation, I would expect an update from their team early next year. I would be happy to provide insight from a end user (developer customer) perspective once we have had a chance to test out the beta and sort out any potential bugs with the RevenueCat team.


Thanks for the kind response Michael. Looking forward to working on the beta together. 

Ismet, it’s going well. We are expecting to do an internal release in a couple of weeks with the purchase flow while already working on the events part of the project. 

Let me know if you would like to join our beta at the end of this quarter and also let us know if there is anything that we can help with in the meantime.
