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Hi all,

I have a mobile app in the App Store, that has its own RevenueCat Project and Amplitude Project.
I am currenlty in the Starter Plan, but I am thinking about upgrading my account to the Pro Plan to be able to integrate the RevenueCat in-app subscription events into my Amplitude Project.

I have the following problem: I use the default ReveneuCat anonymous user ids in my RevenueCat project and in my Ampltiude project I use the RevenueCat anonymous user ids but I remove the “$RCAnonymousID” prefix. 

Based on your docs ( I must use the exact same ID for the amplitude project as well. This is the point where removing the prefix earlier bites back. As the event sent from RevenueCat will contain the prefixed id, but such an Id will not exist in my Amplitude project.

I can fix the issue for all future users by setting the exact same RevenueCat anonymous user id for the Amplitude user. But what will happen to my old user? What will be the result of the earlier mentioned Id mismatches? Will Amplitude simply neglect these events sent from RevenueCat or will it create new users? 

I would be fine with not having these events for my users from before, but having any false data or duplication on Amplitude side is something I want to avoid.

Or is there a solution I am missing to have the subscription events for all my users?

Moreover, I am using the Flutter SDK but I guess there are no functional limitations for the Amplitude Integration in the Flutter use case compared to the native iOS SDK. Am I right?

Thanks in advance for your help!



Hi @AdamC,

There are two things you could do here (but neither are really perfect):

  1. You can choose not to use RevenueCat’s Amplitude integration and roll your own using our webhooks. You’d have an intermediary where you adjust the userID before sending it into Amplitude. The downside is that you’d have to build and maintain this yourself.
  2. Otherwise, you’d use our integration and you’d send in the RevenueCat ID as-is. You will likely see new users being created in Amplitude as a result, but I think this will be better in the long run because after awhile, Amplitude won’t be tracking anything meaningful under the old IDs. Not too familiar with Amplitude’s interface myself, but perhaps it’s possible to filter out the old IDs as well when looking at the data.
