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Hello , Once the revenue cat implementation is Done ,I went through the purchase => once i click and purchase any package its throughing me the following error Please do help..
unity version = 2020.3.35f1
revenue cat version = 4.0.0-rc.1
unity IAP version = 4.1.5
gradle version  = 6.1.1
/Unity: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object       at UnityEngine.Purchasing.GooglePurchaseUpdatedListener.OnPurchaseOk (UnityEngine.Purchasing.Models.GooglePurchase googlePurchase) h0x00000] in <3eb221e23cc14c1eb9a89aaea1015de1>:0        at UnityEngine.Purchasing.GooglePurchaseUpdatedListener.ApplyOnPurchases (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1ut] purchases, System.Action`1mt] action) ]0x00027] in <3eb221e23cc14c1eb9a89aaea1015de1>:0        at UnityEngine.Purchasing.GooglePurchaseUpdatedListener.HandleResultOkCases (UnityEngine.Purchasing.Models.IGoogleBillingResult result, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1.t] purchases) t0x00008] in <3eb221e23cc14c1eb9a89aaea1015de1>:0        at UnityEngine.Purchasing.GooglePurchaseUpdatedListener.OnPurchasesUpdated (UnityEngine.Purchasing.Models.IGoogleBillingResult result, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1et] purchases) e0x00008] in <3eb221e23cc14c1eb9a89aaea1015de1>:0        at UnityEngine.Purchasing.GooglePurchaseUpdatedListener.onPurcha

Hi there! Thanks for sharing this with us. We’ve seen this error pop up in some instances in the past, like with this bug that was addressed a few months ago, but we’d need to get some more details from you to help troubleshoot what might be causing it in this case.

I’d recommend reaching out to our support team directly for that so we can ask some more detailed questions and check out logs. If you head to Account → Contact Us in the Dashboard you’ll be able to submit a request there.
