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Promotional (Granting Entitlement) Event

  • 5 March 2024
  • 4 replies

I need a way to notify our backend when a promotional entitlement is manually granted to someone in the Revenucat dashboard. I don't see an event of this type being emitted via webhooks. Does anyone know how to work around this, or what the chances are that the Revenucat team could add this functionality? ;)




We will emit a NON_RENEWING PURCHASE webhook with “store” set to PROMOTIONAL in this case:

Hello @Ryan Glanz 

Thank you for your response.

I just checked on our test endpoint and such an event is not emitted by webhooks. This event is also not on the query list (in the Webhook events section).


Oddly enough, we are correctly receiving information about it on Slack.

To verify that this is not a problem on our side, I also purchased a test subscription - and it works and appropriate event is emitted.
A regression on your part may be the cause?​​​​​​​

Could you open a support ticket here so I can get the project ID/user ID and investigate further?

@Ryan Glanz Sure, done.