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Do both `rc_trial_converted_event` and `rc_initial_purchase_event` fire at the same time when a user completes their free trial and pays for the first time?

The definitions are:
Initial purchase: A new subscription has been purchased.
Trial converted: When an auto-renewing subscription product converts from a free trial to normal paid period.

In another post you replied:

Are both rc_trial_started_event and rc_initial_purchase_event sent, when Trial is started? Or is it only the trial one?

You’re probably sensing a theme here, but just the rc_trial_started_event will fire here.


Not clear from your Flow charts as rc_trial_converted_event is not there, you’re showing initial_purchase and renewal.



Hi @Haley Pace , thank you for the reply!
I’m still a bit confused, you said:
“The initial purchase event is from when the user initially subscribes via the trial”

The flow is: a user starts a 7-day free trial, I’d expect to see the event rc_trial_started event. From here there are 2 options: rc_trial_converted (if they start paying after the 7 days?) and rc_trial_cancelled.
So when does rc_initial_purchase happen? Together with the rc_trial_started?

Hi, sorry for the confusion here, let me clarify. No, the `rc_trial_converted_event` and `rc_initial_purchase_event` do not fire at the same time when a user completes their free trial and pays for the first time.

The initial purchase event is from when the user initially subscribes via the trial and will be sent first. Then once that trial is over and the subscription converts to a paid one a renewal event will be sent. 
