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Xcode 14: Build of app works but archive fails

  • 23 September 2021
  • 2 replies

Sorry, title should be Xcode 13, cannot edit this anymore



I am using purchases-ios via Swift Package Manager with the latest version 3.12.4. After downloading Xcode 13 my app builds and runs both on device and simulator.

When I try to archive the app in order to upload it to the App Store, I receive the following message:

Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code.

The line before says

remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization

There is no other message before or after which gives an indication of what the error could be.

The minimum target is iOS 13.

I tried to clean the build folder, restart Xcode, restart the Mac, downloaded the project manually from the repository and set it up newly, nothing worked.

I am clueless, what can be the problem here?

Update: This is resolved. The problem was another package in SPM which created this error message in purchases-ios and other packages. After resolving the other package’s issue this one disappeared. Strange

Hi, I’m having the exact same issue! Could you go into more detail on how you solved this? Thanks
