Support for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

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I'm currently using RevenueCat for my native Android app. I'd like to add an iOS version and I'm considering Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform Mobile in order to reuse much of my Kotlin code. 

It's still early days for KMM, but I was wondering if there were plans to add a KMM SDK. And if not, how would you recommend I manage subscriptions in this case? 




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Hi Sam,

Thanks for reaching out! We don’t currently have an SDK planned for that platform. So I would suggest either using our iOS SDK and recreating the functionality, or you could try a hybrid SDK like RN/Flutter


Hi Ryan and Sam,

I just wanted to check if this has since made its way onto the roadmap? If not: I'm building this 🙂 

I'm also using RevenueCat in a Kotlin Multiplatform app, and I'm working on extracting the RevenueCat bits into a Kotlin Multiplatform RC SDK. 

I will post here when it's done if there's interest? Let me know.

With kind regards,


In the new launch party summary,

it says:

Additionally, early next year, we’ll be launching a Kotlin Multiplatform SDK, which RevenueCat Paywalls will support.  

Anyone can confirm the dates?

Thank you

@JayShortway are you still creating the SDK or are you in charge of this announce?


@xandebianchi I'm creating an unofficial Kotlin Multiplatform SDK, which should be done in a few days. You could use this until the official SDK is released (which I'm not a part of). 

Magic. Congratulations!

@Ryan Glanz @sam  This is how I used RevenueCat in Kotlin + Compose Multiplatform project, wrote a blog about that:

Also made a wrapper library for main core  functions that can be used directly in kotlin multiplatform project, including Paywall UI with Compose Multiplatform.
