We have bunch of applications live on App Store would like to create single subscription to unlock premium features on those all apps.
We have gone through all documentation and understand about how we can implement same thing.
We came out with this solution using RevenueCat.
RevenueCat allows to create different apps under one project.
We would like to know to evaluate our solution and want to confirm we are on right track or if you see any wrong implementation or if you have any better solution, then let us know.
1. Create project "Single" and add all applications under that project
2. Create one new subscription for each app
For example
ApplicationOne -> com.applicationone.singlesubscription
ApplicationTwo -> com.applicationtwo.singlesubscription
ApplicationThree -> com.applicationthree.singlesubscription
4. Create new entitlement named "single-subscription" and add those products from all apps
So if that single-subscription product purchased from any app, it will unlock premium features for other apps.
For example
a. if i purchase ApplicationOne (com.applicationone.singlesubscription) single subsription, it will unlock premium features of ApplicationTwo and ApplicationThree .
b. if i purchase ApplicationTwo (com.applicationtwo.singlesubscription) single subscription, it will unlock premium features of ApplicationOne and ApplicationThree.
So will it work? or let us know if any solution by creating separate project for each app