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Receiving active entitlement even the purchase is expired.

  • 23 October 2021
  • 2 replies

I am receiving entitlement.isActive == true when expiration date is already long passed.

Here’s my code:

Purchases.shared.purchaserInfo { (purchaserInfo, error) in
if let error = error {
if let entitlement = purchaserInfo?.entitlements.alllSelf.entitleId] {
if entitlement.isActive {
UserDefaults.subscriptionCache = SubscriptionCache(isSubscribe: true, lastCheckedDate: Date())
} else {

Here’s my result:


The current time is 10/23 0:00 UTC


Please help me with this issue.

Hi Jazmine,

Thank you for the clear reply.

I’ll check to see if this is the reason.

Hey @Kuang , 

It looks like this issue is being handled in Zendesk. It seems like you ran into an issue with a stale cache. The SDK will update the cache if it's older than 5 minutes, but only if you call getPurchaserInfo(), make a purchase, or restore purchases, so it's a good idea to call getPurchaserInfo() any time a user accesses premium content. You can always check the request date of your cache to see if it’s old. 
