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Receipt is missing when trying to Purchase via TestFlight

As per the title:

I always get the ‘Receipt is missing error’ when testing via TestFlight.

In Xcode, when configured with a StoreKit file, it works fine.


Without StoreKit and TestFlight it does not work, the app review is also always getting rejected.

I cannot see why it does not work.


The products and offerings are configured correctly (and they are shown in the app), it’s just the receipt that is always missing when purchasing.

29 replies

Badge +3



yes, signed in with a valid Apple account. The same account (and purchasing with it) works with another app where I built the App Store code myself.


The log just says: “Error while purchasing: This receipt is missing”. No other helpful info.

Products and offerings are loading fine, though.

Badge +3

@sundeep I just tried to re-setup any purchasing options and while I can see the offerings, the error ‘receipt is missing’ is still the same. I’m out of ideas and need advice - the sooner, the better.




Badge +3
default	17:27:32.930759+0200	Body Measurements	[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/5278094C-0FF0-4B3A-9038-468AAE8B8FB1/offerings 304
default 17:27:32.930917+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ GetOfferingsOperation: Finished
default 17:27:32.930993+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Serial request done: GET subscribers/5278094C-0FF0-4B3A-9038-468AAE8B8FB1/offerings, 0 requests left in the queue
default 17:27:38.812907+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Vending Offerings from cache
default 17:27:40.669229+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.669337+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.669570+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:27:40.669693+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.669817+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.670051+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:27:40.670161+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.670274+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.670500+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:27:40.670614+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.670727+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.670944+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:27:40.671057+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.671169+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.671386+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:27:40.671498+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.672743+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.672956+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:27:40.673068+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.673178+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:27:40.673403+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:28:05.576308+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - INFO: 💰 Purchasing product from package '' in Offering ''
default 17:29:41.330902+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: ⚠️ allowSharingAppStoreAccount is set to false and restorePurchases has been called. Are you sure you want to do this?
default 17:29:41.331454+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Found 3 unsynced attributes for App User ID: 5278094C-0FF0-4B3A-9038-468AAE8B8FB1
default 17:29:41.331511+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unsynced attributes: ["$idfv": Subscriber attribute: key: $idfv value: 5278094C-0FF0-4B3A-9038-468AAE8B8FB1 setTime: 2022-04-15 15:16:36 +0000, "$idfa": Subscriber attribute: key: $idfa value: setTime: 2022-04-15 15:16:36 +0000, "$ip": Subscriber attribute: key: $ip value: true setTime: 2022-04-15 15:16:36 +0000]
default 17:29:41.331568+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Force refreshing the receipt to get latest transactions from Apple.
default 17:29:49.991890+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:29:49.992006+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
default 17:29:49.992130+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - WARN: 🍎‼️ App running in sandbox without a receipt file. Restoring transactions won't work until a purchase is made to generate a receipt. This should not happen in production unless user is logged out of Apple account.
default 17:29:49.992238+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ The receipt is missing.
default 17:29:49.992353+0200 Body Measurements [Purchases] - ERROR: 💰 Product purchase for '' failed with error: Error Domain=RevenueCat.ErrorCode Code=9 "The receipt is missing." UserInfo={source_file=RevenueCat/PurchasesOrchestrator.swift:666, source_function=syncPurchases(receiptRefreshPolicy:isRestore:completion:), readable_error_code=MISSING_RECEIPT_FILE, NSLocalizedDescription=The receipt is missing.}


Badge +3

I appended the complete log. The thing is, I am logged in with a valid Apple account (my main account) which works with purchases on the Watch in other apps.


I even get the success message via the purchasing overlay, but still the receipt is missing.


Any advice?
