
Paywall support for Ionic React / Capacitor

  • 4 December 2023
  • 17 replies

Userlevel 1
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The new paywall feature looks amazing!  Is it possible to use with capacitor (I think not but wanted to verify) and when might it be available?  Any suggestions of workarounds for the interim?  



17 replies

Badge +2

I would love to see the paywall feature for Capacitor as well!

@jamiejamie My current workaround has been to design my own paywall, fetch the data for the matching offering from RevenueCat, and insert the relevant data (price, etc) into the paywall html dynamically.

Userlevel 3
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Hi! While this is not something that we have currently, it is on the roadmap. I have added both of you to our notification list for when a beta is available.

Userlevel 1
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I would love to see the paywall feature for Capacitor as well!

@jamiejamie My current workaround has been to design my own paywall, fetch the data for the matching offering from RevenueCat, and insert the relevant data (price, etc) into the paywall html dynamically.

Thanks Tetsuwan - I may try that out at some point.  Hoping the team beats me to it with Capacitor support :)


Hi, congrats for the product overall. We were so impressed that we planned to use it all the way in our product. Unfortunately, we stumbled upon this limitation on the day we were about to start developing the paywall part of the integration. No capacitor support 😓

Is there any ETA on this? 

Thanks in advance,


Badge +1

Bumping :D I have my own paywall, but I can’t experiment with them normally, I can only change the prices. That would be so handy!

Userlevel 1
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Bumping this back up - any new updates on timing here?   Also would love webSDK support for this.

I agree

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Hi! While this is not something that we have currently, it is on the roadmap. I have added both of you to our notification list for when a beta is available.

Could you add me to the list, too? :)

Just wanted to check up as well!  The existing setup for offerings/products/etc is super confusing and just having an integrated paywall that handles it would really help.

Hi! While this is not something that we have currently, it is on the roadmap. I have added both of you to our notification list for when a beta is available.

Please add me as well!

Badge +5

Same question , you work for integration with capacitor ?

Please add me also to the beta list if at all possible, we’re using another third party paywall provider at the moment and would love to check RevenueCat’s offering. Thanks.

Userlevel 1
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Thanks!  I think this is an important one given how good your guidance is for getting everything else going with ionic/capacitor.  

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Yes it’s very important , I think we are many users , we use Capacitor

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Please add me too!

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Hi! While this is not something that we have currently, it is on the roadmap. I have added both of you to our notification list for when a beta is available.

Please add me to the notification list as well. Do you have any updates on when this feature may be implemented? It’s such a desirable thing.


I would also love to see this implemented, we are releasing our game in a few months and it would be awesome if we could utilize this!
