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Error after enabling free trial

  • 6 August 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi I get this error after enable 3day trial subscription in iOS app

PlatformException(2, There was a problem with the App Store., {message: There was a problem with the App Store., code: 2, readableErrorCode: STORE_PROBLEM, readable_error_code: STORE_PROBLEM, userCancelled: false, underlyingErrorMessage: An unknown error occurred}


It’s the first time that i enable trials on iOS, I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong. I’ve just set up 3 day trial in Introductory Offers. Have I to do something else?


Hey @dani-c95334,

The store problem error typically just indicates that there was a problem with the connection between your app and the store. This could be a variety of reasons which you can read about here in our docs, but the most common one is downtime on the store’s server, which can be fairly common in sandbox. 

As long as you’ve followed the directions here for setting up Introductory offers, there shouldn’t need to be anything additional to do as the store will automatically apply the offer to eligible users. I’d recommend just trying again, or possibly creating a new sandbox user to test with.
