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I deleted a package identifier in an offering I was setting up.  I then tried to add the identifier back in with the same ‘name’ and description and I get the message that the package identifier already exists.  However, it is no longer in the list.


Does this mean that I cannot delete package identifiers and then re-add them back in if I change my mind on an offering that is not current.


What happens if I delete the complete offering?  Will all package identifiers I used no longer be available to re-use in a new offer?



I deleted a package in one offering and added the same package (identifier and everything) under another offering, and it will not show up under the new offering at all

Thanks, the actual message I get is “Display name or identifier already exists.”.


I got this message when I set up a new offering as well.  I realized it was because I was using the same description for packages that unlocked the same level of content but had different durations.

Hi @KevBro , that’s very strange behavior and definitely not expected or intended (I just tried it and I was able to delete a package and then add a new package with the same identifier). I don’t know if perhaps something went wrong with the deletion of the original package.

In any case, you can definitely set up a new offering with the desired identifiers; identifiers only have to be unique within their offering (and in fact, that’s often the case, e.g., you might have a monthly package (which has the default identifier $rc_monthly) in all of your offerings).
