
Customer Id is different to app_user_id in frontend

  • 27 December 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +4

I use Webhooks to register purchases and unlock premium features for the account that purchased the product. 

I have made a purchase with one Account, lets call it User A. After the subscription expired, I logged in with a different Account, lets call it User B. Of course I called Purchases.logIn( in my app. I then purchased the subscription again and confirmed that it uses User B’s id as the app_user_id in my app. 

However in my Dashboard and my Webhook it still shows that User A made the purchase.

This happend in a Sandbox environment and I used the same Apple Id for both purchases. My RC Project uses the Restore behavior “Block restores”.

Can someone explain this behavior to me? I had expected that the Customer Id in my Dashboard is always the app_user_id that makes the purchase in the frontend. Is that not the case? I’m really confused and couldn’t find anything about this behavior in the docs.


1 reply

Userlevel 5
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User A still owns the subscription. Since you didn’t change Apple IDs, the subscription that user B purchased is a continuation of the subscription that user A has, so RevenueCat gives the subscription to user A. This is expected. Try logging into a different Apple ID and make a purchase - that will register as a new subscription that can then be associated with user B.
