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Creating a mock CustomerInfo to use for a Swift UI preview?

  • 7 November 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi All,

I’m trying to use Swift UI previews in order to develop my subscription screen, and I want to pass through the `CustomerInfo` object I have stored in my view model to do that (similar to the MagicWeather test app)

But unfortunately, the CustomerInfo() initializer is not accessible outside the module - if I try to create example info, I get the message “'CustomerInfo' initializer is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level”

This similarly prevents me using a convenience init (since I can’t call the original init) which is what happens in the internal Revenue Cat tests (as far as I can tel)

Has anyone got this working, or does everyone just develop on-device?



Hey @nikz!

Since we don’t publicly expose those inits, I don’t think this is currently possible with the SDK. I do think it would be a valuable feature especially when building SwiftUI apps, so I’ll share this with the SDK team and see if we can find a way to get this supported at some point in the future.

I’ll leave the thread open for anyone else to comment in case someone else has any ideas!

I ran into this too but beyond just having some ugly conditional text in my UI itself as placeholders I haven’t had a chance to dig into this much.

my next plan of attack is to reorg my code to be more MVVM so I can find a spot to inject/clean up variables in the view model and reference those in my UI, instead of accessing the RC framework variables directly.

Hello, is there any update on this? It would be so helpful to be able to use SwiftUI previews without needing to wrap RC classes.

It seeeems like it’s possible to mock this up using a JSON format decoder since that API is public? We’re going through lots of hoops to figure out how to effectively mock up our SwiftUI previews. :) 
