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I’m using latest RC sdk in Android 7.2.7. , and I’m forcing my users to have portrait mode for the activity that contains my paywall, my surprise was that some users installed my app in a tablet and the view was in “landscape”, so the header (image is too big) and they can’t see the offers/scroll. tried to wrap the content under a Column and add `verticalScroll(rememberScrollState())` in compose, seems that “kinda” work, but you can see only one offer (seems that the RC Paywal it does not consider nested scrolling)

also I tried for now using the footer only for lansdscape/Compat window size,  but kinda the same, the button is not visible and the “restore” button is not visible, if I wrap under `verticalScroll` the app crash,

Box(    modifier = Modifier        .fillMaxSize()        .padding(paddingValues)) {    val options = PaywallOptions.Builder(        dismissRequest = {            onNavigationClicked()        },    )).build()    if (windowSize.heightSizeClass == WindowHeightSizeClass.Compact) {        PaywallFooter(options = options) {        }    } else {        Paywall(            options = options        )    }}
 I’m attaching the Paywall in landscape

Is possible to make “everything” scrollable?



Hi, right now we do not have support for optimizing this landscape view, but we are currently working on this. We hope to have this out sometime next week, once we do I will update you here. 

This should fix the issue you are seeing, here is a before and after preview:



Thanks a lot for the feedback, looking forward for the update

Hi, landscape optimization has been released for iOS in our latest release here:

We plan to release this for Android as well, I will update here again once it is out.



Any update for Android ?


With the Flutter SDK 6.24.0, the Paywall on Android still are not displayed correctly on tablets. On phones, with the Template 5 - Bengal Content, when on landscape the image is removed so it is possible to view correctly the rest of the paywall, but with tablets, when on landscape mode, the image is not removed and takes about all the screen so it is impossible to see choices and the buttons.


Hi, our Android 7.3.4 has improved landscape support: No news on our Flutter SDK but I can reach out to find out an ETA for this.

Hi, is there any news on this issue for Flutter?
