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When changing a Stripe subscription the entitlement_ids in the PRODUCT_CHANGE webhook are always null. But all Stripe products are mapped to entitlements.

The webhook:

"api_version": "1.0",
"event": {
"app_id": "app6e36463a7d",
"app_user_id": "uQw121nienNLn6WAMns2abjPMAl2",
"country_code": null,
"currency": "EUR",
"entitlement_id": null,
"entitlement_ids": null,
"environment": "SANDBOX",
"event_timestamp_ms": 1632605983882,
"expiration_at_ms": 1635186961000,
"id": "061D6082-0653-41F8-ACF0-5575F696B4FA",
"is_family_share": false,
"new_product_id": "prod_K9as7Q7v8AdiUJ",
"offer_code": null,
"original_app_user_id": "uQw121nienNLn6WAMns2abjPMAl2",
"original_transaction_id": "si_KIGFeHwEFeth5c",
"period_type": "NORMAL",
"presented_offering_id": null,
"price": 0,
"price_in_purchased_currency": 0,
"product_id": "prod_KAFcPrBfELJ4cX",
"purchased_at_ms": 1632594962000,
"store": "STRIPE",
"subscriber_attributes": {
"$displayName": {
"updated_at_ms": 1632594865463,
"value": "Florian Thiel"
"$email": {
"updated_at_ms": 1632594865463,
"value": ""
"takehome_percentage": 1,
"transaction_id": "si_KIGFeHwEFeth5c",

All products are mapped:


This was reported to engineering. Will post updates here when I hear back.



This issue has been resolved as of October, 2021.
