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The webhooks page on the dashboard seems to be broken. Specifically, it does not render the past webhook events like it used to. To get around this, I'm inspecting the network requests for the `/webhooks?limit=30` request, which does return the webhook event data in the `last_events` array. The page just doesn't render this on the screen at all  (it always says "No events to show")

Yeah it appears to be fixed, thank you!

Hi @Chine,

This issue should be fixed now. Can you check again and tell us if you’re still experiencing trouble seeing your webhook events on the dashboard?

Thanks for trying that! I’ve passed this issue along to an engineer and I’ll let you know of any updates.

I only noticed it a couple days ago because I was looking into an issue and had to inspect my webhook events. I had not visited that screen in a while prior to that. Clicking the refresh button doesn’t do anything 😕 I’ve attached a screenshot

Hi @Chine,

Thanks for reporting this. When did this stop working for you? Can you share a screenshot of your webhooks page where you’re seeing no webhooks? Did you try clicking the Refresh button on the right-hand side to see if that populates the events on the page?
