
Random Localised paywall shown on iOS.

  • 4 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Badge +1

Why do I see different localization on my paywall created via revenuecat paywalls on TestFlight? I’ve configured different locales in the revenuecat’s paywall localization section but whenever I launch the Testflight version of my app, a random localised version of paywall gets shown. 
I want to know if this happens only on TestFlight users or can it happen for App Store users as well.

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey @ajay-552acb !


This might have been in relation to a recent bug in our paywalls. Can you please update to version 4.35.0 and let me know if you are still seeing random locals? 


Let me know if that helps! 

Badge +2

This one almost caught me too. Was about to build for a release when I noticed this issue.

Updated to 4.36.3 and it is working correctly.
