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PlatformException Code 2 Error when fetching products

  • 4 August 2021
  • 2 replies

This is using the latest Flutter library on Android for subscription products.

We have a live app and an Android customer has reported seeing this error.

Right now we dump it out to the screen, which isn’t very user friendly. But here it is:

Any idea what could be causing this, we only know of it affecting one customer so far with thousands of successful subscriptions.



The problems that will trigger this on Android:

If it’s only impacting 1 out of thousands it could be a blip in the Google Server. The Purchases SDK will automatically retry these errors, so you shouldn’t have to do anything on your side.


(You can find more info on SDK errors and how to handle them in our error handling guide here:

Solution found.

If every thing is fine , then you have to upload it on play store and then download and test it. I was stuck in same error. I was directly compiling and testing the app, but when I uploaded on testing track on play console and then downloaded, and tested then it worked
