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Hey RevenueCat community,

I’d like to ask for some guidance related to app monetization. Is it mandatory for a subscription-based app to provide free functionality? Or an app could be paid-only with a limited free trial after which an app’s functionality is not accessible?

Hey @DanielDauk! 👋

It doesn’t look like Apple prevents developers from requiring a subscription to use an app, based on their App Store Review Guidelines. You should be sure to clearly communicate to your customer what they will be receiving from the subscription, as detailed in 3.1.2(c).

We have heard cases of Apple requesting that businesses explain their decisions that led to their pricing model to ensure subscriptions are appropriate for an app before approving the app for the App Store. I’d be sure that you keep it in mind that Apple may request this information.


Likewise, Google doesn’t prevent developers from requiring a subscription to use an app, but they require it to be clearly communicated.

Thanks for informative reply, Cody. 
