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I deleted a package under one offering and added it under another offering, and it will not show on the Paywall

  • 19 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I deleted a package under one offering and added it under another offering, and it will not show on the Paywall. I used the same identified for both, because it was the same package, and the system allowed it. I guess I don’t really understand why we define packages per offering and not packages outside of offerings that can be added to offerings; because I wouldn’t have deleted this package in general, but I needed it removed from the other offering, and I need all my packages to have consistent names. This makes no sense to me - how do I get this package to show on the paywall? The offering shows no error, it shows 3 packages, yet only 2 show on the paywall. Can anyone help me?

Can anyone help with this? RevenueCat support? I also emailed you.

Hi! I took a look at your Paywall configuration in the Dashboard, and although you have added the package to the cps_tipjar Offering, it does not look like the cps_0199 package has been added to the Paywall configuration for cps_tipjar in the Packages section. It currently only has the cps_tip0099 and cps_tip0499 packages added to it. If you add the cps_0199 package to that Paywall, that should resolve this issue. Can you do so and let me know if that package begins to be presented there?