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I am getting the following issue on my error reporting service:
There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used). \nMore information:

I know that there is no shortage of this issue and it has been reported a lot before but I still haven’t found a solution for my case.

This error is happening only for a small number of users and only on ios. However for other ios users including myself it works for me. I checked the linked guide,, but I could not find any reason why it may work for some users but not of the same os and on app that are published on the store.

The app is not available for a specific country and I checked the ip of the users and some of them seem to be from that country where the app is not available. However other very few are also from countries where the app is available in and other users from the same country do not have that issue

I hope I can get some guidance on how to debug this further.

Hi! I would like to be able to take a look at the logs on our end for these users. Could you share a few app user IDs that are experiencing this issue, so that I may take a look at them? Since you may not feel comfortable sharing app user IDs publicly, you can also start a private support ticket and we can continue troubleshooting there if you would like.

Hey @wes_clark I just created a private support ticket for this. I would have wanted to provide with the ticket id but I couldnt find a reference for that id anywhere, not even in the email I received after I created the ticket.

Hey @wes_clark I just created a private support ticket for this. I would have wanted to provide with the ticket id but I couldnt find a reference for that id anywhere, not even in the email I received after I created the ticket.

@wes_clark Is that typical for a ticket not to provide a reference/ticket # to the submitter, or is your support system having a glitch?

I’m new here but expect we’ll have to contact support once or thrice over the course of development, so trying to set my expectations.

Hi! @Red-Rob, we did not previously provide the ticket # in our auto-response when a developer submitted a ticket, but I have just gone ahead and changed it so it will.