Docs about subscription upgrades in "Google Play proration mode/replacement mode" outdated

  • 8 March 2024
  • 1 reply


In my Flutter app, I am trying the different prorationModes that there are for Google Play, when purchasing a subscription upgrade. I noticed that the modes in the docs differ from the ones in the purchases package (using purchases_flutter latest version 6.23.0):

/// GoogleProductChangeInfo's ProrationMode.
enum GoogleProrationMode {
/// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the remaining time will be
/// prorated and credited to the user. This is the current default behavior.

/// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the new price will be charged on
/// next recurrence time. The billing cycle stays the same.

// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the user is charged full price of new plan and is
// given a full billing cycle of subscription, plus remaining prorated time from the old plan.

// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the billing cycle remains the same.

and both of them differ from the ones stated in the Android docs.

Thus, I am a bit confused about which one is actually true...


Additionally, I am wondering, if Android really doesn’t offer any equivalent option to how Apple is handling subscription upgrades?

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Badge +1

I have the same question, I suppose that do automatic or the default is immediateWithTimeProration..