
Custom Package name & Package Description for Paywall

  • 22 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

I have an offering with three packages. How do I set the package name & set a custom description for each package? There is only a limited number of things I can select from the drop down menu. I need to explain what each product is exactly in my paywall.


Thank you.

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Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi, happy to help here.

The display name that the user sees will be the display name of the Product (not the package). The package name is just an internal identifier.

As for a description served to your users, you could either hardcode this (for the monthly product, annual product, etc), or use our Offering metadata feature (if you want to change these without a code change), or even our Paywalls feature if you want the whole paywall to be dynamic.