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I understood that in the past you can't direct customers to your website in order to get them subscribe, using Stripe for example, instead of having them use the Apple and Android Store and their astronomically high fees.

But resent lawsuits let me to believe that in certain cases is alright to direct App clients to Stripe to get their subscription.

  1. In what cases is it alright to direct clients to Stripe?
  2. How will we manage that change in RevenueCat, do they have to cancel their subscription in the IOs App store and them create a new one in Stripe?  In Android I understand that we can send a cancel request to Android on behalf the user and then proceed to create the Stripe subscription?


Hi! This is an area of rapid change on the app stores. There are a number of different cases right now and Apple’s changing things almost weekly. But currently the status quo is:


  1. You are allowed to offer payments through Stripe online. 
  2. You are not allowed to direct users from the app to those payment methods.
  3. You are allowed to contact users outside of the app (SMS, email) about those methods.


There is an injunction stemming from the Epic v. Apple case that might change #2, but it’s still in are if and when that might go into effect. We have a pretty comprehensive blogpost on the subject if you want more details.

Regarding cancelling on behalf of users, presently you cannot programmatically cancel Apple subscriptions. You can ask users to do it for you, but it’s unreliable at best. For Android, you can do it programmatically via our API.

