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Is it possible to automatically grant promotional entitlements to users based on certain criteria?  I see from this article that it can be done through the REST API but I’m unclear if that can be criteria based.  Example use cases:

We would like to automatically grant a promotional entitlement for users that:

  1. Apply a specific Apple Offer Code
  2. New subscribers within a certain timeframe
  3. Other RevenueCat customer attributes (that we could pass in)

Thank you!

Hi! We do not currently have a tool to automate the granting of promotional entitlements, but I have gone ahead and shared the feature suggestion internally to the rest of the team. Calls to the REST API endpoint for granting Promotional Entitlements will automatically apply the Entitlement to the user. You could check the user for the necessary criteria using the Get Customer endpoint prior to using the other endpoint. In terms of the case of the Apple Offer Code, you can add free trials to those codes through Apple and they will be recognized through RevenueCat. In case you have yet to come across it, here is our documentation on the subject: