Apple Rejction When Purchase

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In the past 3 days we have updated for apple review but they keep rejecting them.

  1. purchasePackage throw "There was a problem with the App Store", i tried to ingore this message.
  2. purchasePackage return Succeed but entitlement is empty
  3. The subscription was successful without going through the payment process. but  my app don't get any exception


6 replies

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i reported #1

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for #2 & #3, from apple rejection, so i can’t the log from that

i mean #1 & #3 get from apple rejection, so i can’t get that log, but i think #3 is same problem with #2

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i guess #3 same problem with #2

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for #2 & #3, from apple rejection, so i can’t the log from that

Userlevel 5
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@Nhan Mai I replied on the github issue, but I’d missed the bit about the “There was a problem with the App Store”.


This is usually not something to ignore, it might help us understand what’s going on. Could you share the debug logs? 

Badge +2

i report #2 on
