
Multiple active experiments

  • 5 January 2024
  • 2 replies


Hi RevenueCat,

We're interested in testing new prices in a few different countries, but up until now, we haven't been able to see how the different countries convert, as the summary on the experiments page summarizes all of the countries. To better understand the behavior in the different countries, we were thinking of starting multiple experiments, each with only one country. However, this made us reflect on whether it is even possible to run multiple experiments simultaneously.

Can you help us out?


2 replies

Has this changed in the last month? I see a slider for audience and section in the docs and not sure when it showed up:

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Hey @andreas-villumsen,

At this time, unfortunately only one experiment can be run at a time. Sorry for the inconvenience here! My recommendation to see the conversion rates by country is to use the Chart “Trial Conversion” or “Initial Conversion” - you can then Segment by country and view the trends for each. 
