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Dear all, when looking at graphs – RC starts weeks on sundays. Is there a setting to control that and switch to monday — as it causes discrepancies in our data throughout other services. Thanks a lot. 

Hi @W1D1,

Unfortunately there is not an option in the charts to change when the week starts, however, I can forward this as a feature request to the team. In the meantime, you can export your data through ETL exports and run some queries to get what you’re looking for. Docs for reference: 

This is really annoying because you used to have week starting from Monday 😞 please consider of adding and option to change this 🙏 ETL exports is a solution but it requires a lot of additional work 

Just stumbled over this and realised that it’s still not implemented. This would be very useful for us as well. For reference, in Apple’s dashboards the week starts on Monday. This may be country specific; our App Store account is German.


did this change again? do the weeks start on Monday or Sunday in charts? we’re trying to match up with our Amplitude data cc @Jens 

@Seth Miller  the weeks in Charts start on Sunday and that hasn’t changed in a very long time

Please make the option for the week to begin on mondays available. The revenue cat charts & analytics are so useful, but render useless when referencing other analytics tools. thank you!

We need this option. It’s very limiting to not have our internal week start align with revenue charts.
How many more years do we need to wait?  

Is there an update on this, or at least an ETA for this enhancement?

Not having the ability to match your data along with your working week plus having to convert everything from dollars is quite time consuming and limiting versus other such solutions.

@Seth Miller  the weeks in Charts start on Sunday and that hasn’t changed in a very long time

Are you going to make it so we can change?

I’d really like to see this implemented! How can I add my vote for this feature?
