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I was wondering when interpreting the LTV of a user, is the Experiments feature also considering if a user cancels and requests a refund? 



Can you please clarify “Refunds are fully excluded from experiment results”. That could mean that you ignore that refunds happened. Or it could mean that if a refund happens you take that refund into account when calculating revenue from that customer. Or it could mean that if a customer refunds, you remove that customer from the experiment data. What we really want is full accounting that counts that customer as part of the experiment but resulted in no revenue. Specifically showing refunds in the results may be helpful. Thanks.


Hi @Daniel 

Refunds are fully excluded from experiment results. For customers that have opted out of renewal (cancel), we will count their revenue generated previously. For example let’s say a customer renewed their subscription 5 times, but refunded the last transaction. The LTV model will consider the first 4 renewal’s revenue. 
