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Is there any way to get the app store country of a user (not their IP-based country) in customer lists? Even in the exported CSV would be OK! I don’t see it anywhere right now.

@wes_clark just to turn this into a feature request -- I feel like I’d prefer app store country to be used for all the places where the country is used in RevenueCat, including the little flags. When I look at country in App Store Connect, it’s based on app store country, so it’d be easier to correlate data between the two places if it had a consistent concept of user country. It also makes it harder to interpret the results of app store search ad attribution in RevenueCat, when the country doesn’t correlate to the country of the campaign.

Thanks for considering this!

Thanks, I’ve never tried those scheduled data exports, I’ll give that a shot.

You are not able to see the app store country of a user via the customer lists, but you can use the scheduled data exports and filter by app user id. You can use “country” and “from_country”.
