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OneSignal Integration Missing 'active_subscription' Tag

  • 26 April 2022
  • 1 reply

I added the OneSignal integration. All but one of the tags are coming through reliably.


The ‘active_subscription’ tag (which for some reason was initially blank and I later filled in on the integration page with its default value of ‘active_subscription’) is present in some integration events, but not for others.


I seem to get a `true` value for `TRIAL_STARTED` events, and a `false` value for `EXPIRATION` events. But nothing for example for `CANCELLATION`.


Can someone clarify the intended behaviour here?

1 reply

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Here’s what I got from RevenueCat support:

  • I checked with our team, and we are indeed supposed to be sending the active_subscription tag with RENEWAL events. This has been added to our team's backlog.
