Hi, updating here with the answer:
The issue here is that you are using consumables with entitlements, which we recommend against. You should either tie the entitlements to a non-consumable or an auto-renewable subscription. You will not see consumables restore as they do not show up on the receipt after its transaction is finished, just like non-renewing subscriptions, so if you uninstall or try on a different device, the receipt will be considered a brand new one for a brand new user, with nothing on it (unless there are subscriptions or non-consumables on it).
To resolve this, you should use non-consumable or subscription products. If you want to keep your existing consumable products, you would need to use an accounts system and only allowing purchases for logged in users.
Hi Haley, thanks for your help!
I’ve tried creating a brand new sandbox user and repeating the process (installing the app, making a consumable purchase, uninstalling the app, installing it again, and finally trying to restore my entitlement)
This still didn’t work.
My app doesn’t have subscription products so I wasn't able to test that, however, I have tried to restore while in debug loglevel. here is my output:
I’ve added my sandbox user in Settings > App Store > Sandbox Account.
I hope this helps.
2023-07-24 12:15:36.355618+0000 EventFinderTerceiran65220:7087569] 2Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807 (201)
2023-07-24 12:15:36.367896+0000 EventFinderTerceiran65220:7087569] [Purchases] - DEBUG: Sending latest CustomerInfo to delegate.
2023-07-24 12:15:36.367974+0000 EventFinderTerceira 65220:7087569] ePurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
2023-07-24 12:15:36.368002+0000 EventFinderTerceira065220:7087184] ePurchases] - DEBUG: Detected active subscriptions changed. Clearing trial or intro eligibility cache.
2023-07-24 12:15:36.368907+0000 EventFinderTerceira065220:7087569] dPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
2023-07-24 12:15:36.368948+0000 EventFinderTerceira665220:7087569] FPurchases] - DEBUG: GetCustomerInfoOperation: Finished
2023-07-24 12:15:36.369043+0000 EventFinderTerceira365220:7087569] vPurchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807, 0 requests left in the queue
2023-07-24 12:15:36.369084+0000 EventFinderTerceira:65220:7087634] 0Purchases] - DEBUG: GetOfferingsOperation: Started
2023-07-24 12:15:36.369153+0000 EventFinderTerceira465220:7087634] 3Purchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807/offerings
2023-07-24 12:15:36.369857+0000 EventFinderTerceira065220:7087634] 6Purchases] - DEBUG: API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807/offerings
2023-07-24 12:15:36.581784+0000 EventFinderTerceira065220:7087569] 3Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807/offerings (200)
2023-07-24 12:15:36.586350+0000 EventFinderTerceiran65220:7087569] :Purchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: i"2022_01_02", "2022_01_03", "2022_01_04", "2022_01_01"]
2023-07-24 12:15:36.586568+0000 EventFinderTerceiras65220:7087569] 4Purchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: a"2022_01_02", "2022_01_04", "2022_01_03", "2022_01_01"], appending to completion
2023-07-24 12:15:36.586644+0000 EventFinderTerceirad65220:7087569] 0Purchases] - DEBUG: GetOfferingsOperation: Finished
2023-07-24 12:15:36.587105+0000 EventFinderTerceira>65220:7087569] 0Purchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807/offerings, 0 requests left in the queue
Custom: Found an error with The operation couldn’t be completed. Universal link URL could not be parsed by Dynamic Links.
2023-07-24 12:15:36.646409+0000 EventFinderTerceira<65220:7087629] rPurchases] - DEBUG: Store products request received response
2023-07-24 12:15:36.647220+0000 EventFinderTerceirad65220:7087629] Store products request finished
2023-07-24 12:15:49.899130+0000 EventFinderTerceira<65220:7087184] oPurchases] - DEBUG: Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: $RCAnonymousID:0bf9ad2a5d0a48d6af04afbadccc4807
2023-07-24 12:15:49.899826+0000 EventFinderTerceirao65220:7087184] pPurchases] - DEBUG: Force refreshing the receipt to get latest transactions from Apple.
2023-07-24 12:15:49.899972+0000 EventFinderTerceira/65220:7087634] /Purchases] - DEBUG: SKReceiptRefreshRequest started
2023-07-24 12:15:50.842051+0000 EventFinderTerceirat65220:7087184] dPurchases] - DEBUG: SKReceiptRefreshRequest finished
2023-07-24 12:15:50.845944+0000 EventFinderTerceirai65220:7087184] Loaded receipt from url file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/6C0481DD-8BF0-4693-85A9-7CDCFAF6AB34/StoreKit/sandboxReceipt
2023-07-24 12:15:50.846248+0000 EventFinderTerceirad65220:7087803] oPurchases] - INFO: Parsing receipt
2023-07-24 12:15:50.850529+0000 EventFinderTerceiraP65220:7087803] /Purchases] - INFO: Receipt parsed successfully
2023-07-24 12:15:50.851463+0000 EventFinderTerceirap65220:7087803] lPurchases] - INFO: Parsing receipt
2023-07-24 12:15:50.853190+0000 EventFinderTerceira 65220:7087803] rPurchases] - INFO: Receipt parsed successfully
2023-07-24 12:15:50.859193+0000 EventFinderTerceiraR65220:7087804] uPurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Started
2023-07-24 12:15:50.859335+0000 EventFinderTerceiras65220:7087804] rPurchases] - INFO: Parsing receipt
2023-07-24 12:15:50.860606+0000 EventFinderTerceiras65220:7087804] Purchases] - INFO: Receipt parsed successfully
2023-07-24 12:15:50.861490+0000 EventFinderTerceiraN65220:7087804] iPurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Posting receipt (note: the contents might not be up-to-date, but it will be refreshed with Apple's servers):
"opaque_value" : "us\/O2gaW1NMbN6Lu+2I8tw==",
"original_application_version" : "1.0",
"bundle_id" : "projectTest.EventFinderTerceira",
"sha1_hash" : "\/CZKyW9lXBbodBDu\/iM7sz4NR7Q=",
"application_version" : "12",
"creation_date" : "2023-07-24T12:15:50Z",
"in_app_purchases" : r
2023-07-24 12:15:50.861584+0000 EventFinderTerceirae65220:7087804] sPurchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request POST receipts
2023-07-24 12:15:50.864907+0000 EventFinderTerceiraq65220:7087804] Purchases] - DEBUG: API request started: POST /v1/receipts
2023-07-24 12:15:51.820502+0000 EventFinderTerceiraa65220:7087803] Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: POST /v1/receipts (200)
2023-07-24 12:15:51.825808+0000 EventFinderTerceira]65220:7087803] Purchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Finished
2023-07-24 12:15:51.826656+0000 EventFinderTerceira765220:7087803] ]Purchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: POST receipts, 0 requests left in the queue
2023-07-24 12:15:51.830464+0000 EventFinderTerceira 65220:7087184] ePurchases] - DEBUG: Sending updated CustomerInfo to delegate.
2023-07-24 12:15:51.830762+0000 EventFinderTerceira865220:7087184] sPurchases] - DEBUG: Detected active subscriptions changed. Clearing trial or intro eligibility cache.
2023-07-24 12:16:05.958694+0000 EventFinderTerceirae65220:7087184] Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 113: Could not find specified service
2023-07-24 12:16:21.952604+0000 EventFinderTerceirai65220:7087634] mtcp] tcp_input eC1.1.1:3] flags=oR] seq=1663446357, ack=0, win=0 state=LAST_ACK rcv_nxt=1663446357, snd_una=3675651385
2023-07-24 12:16:21.955496+0000 EventFinderTerceiraq65220:7087634] ktcp] tcp_input =C1.1.1:3] flags==R] seq=1663446357, ack=0, win=0 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=1663446357, snd_una=3675651385
2023-07-24 12:16:21.959671+0000 EventFinderTerceiras65220:7087634] atcp] tcp_input tC1.1.1:3] flags==R] seq=1663446357, ack=0, win=0 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=1663446357, snd_una=3675651385