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I pass the Package that I got from Purchases.GetOfferings() to Purchases.PurchasePackage().


2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity   at RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Escape (System.String aText) )0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity   at RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONString.WriteToStringBuilder (System.Text.StringBuilder aSB, System.Int32 aIndent, System.Int32 aIndentInc, RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONTextMode aMode) d0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity   at RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONObject.WriteToStringBuilder (System.Text.StringBuilder aSB, System.Int32 aIndent, System.Int32 aIndentInc, RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONTextMode aMode) M0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity   at RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONObject.WriteToStringBuilder (System.Text.StringBuilder aSB, System.Int32 aIndent, System.Int32 aIndentInc, RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONTextMode aMode) 0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity   at RevenueCat.SimpleJSON.JSONNode.ToString () S0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
2024/03/18 17:13:58.628 6919 6999 Error Unity   at PurchasesWrapperAndroid.Purchase


Unity SDK v6.9.0

Unity 2020.3.30f1

App is running on my phone ran directly from Unity via USB.  Error above from logcat.

@Kaushik Ah, thanks for the insight!  I’m loathe to copy and modify an external SDK, but if that’s what I have to do for now …  I took a different approach, and made these modifications:

In JSONString#WriteToStringBuilder() I changed this:


To this:

          if ( null == m_Data ) {
else {

I made similar changes in JSONObject#WriteToStringBuilder() to check for null key/value in the Dictionary, though I don’t think that was my problem.


@Haley Pace Any thoughts about how soon I can get a fix for this issue in the official SDK?  Conversely, is there a configuration somewhere in RevenueCat or my Google play store setup that I can change to cause the “ruleId” to not be null?

@Haley Pace @Tavis Elliott  In my case after debugging I found out that TargetingContext.RuleId was null which resulted in above error.
So I changed this condition in PresentedOfferingContext.ToJsonString() method

if (TargetingContext != null)

to this

if (TargetingContext != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetingContext.RuleId))

Now it works.

@Haley Pace If you look at the stack trace you can see that everything is in the RevenueCat SDK.  In fact, I am calling PurchasePackage() on an object that was given to me by the GetOfferings() call.  

I know what a Null reference is, and I am not passing a null reference.  Here is my code:

      if ( package == null ) {

Debug.Log( "Package: "+ package );

Purchases.PurchasePackage(package, (identifier, info, cancelled, error) => {

It seems to me that something in the RevenueCat SDK is attempting to serialize to JSON for the API call for the purchase, and a field somewhere in the Package object tree is null.  Is there some configuration in RevenueCat somewhere that is missing that causes a null value?  I may be able to fix that if someone would just tell me what it is … but regardless, the SDK should handle it.

I don’t want to post the contents of the Debug.Log() output here, but package is definitely not null.


This error is usually caused when an object is trying to be used by a script but does not refer to an instance of an object. Unity has a help article on this here, can you please check your code to see if this solution can help?