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How to get google order id from transaction Id ?

  • 10 January 2023
  • 1 reply

So I am able to see the transaction id in revenue cat but for google the order id starts with 

GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567 (Paid apps and in-app purchases)

GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567..0 (Subscriptions)

but my transaction Id looks like this 

 "transaction_id": "momccgonamhibjgoineacklf.AO-J1OwDsqdYk6v87sEv9MLdsuQPfo0y2-UfQe1FJvRpye5QIi7MThjIZyKk_7Yzyyr6SDRxTy1PzbQUZj3hIirzCKE3I56bf0BBeRMK9qVyB-MZh7ZablM"

I need the order id the format provided by google how to do that.

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

The transaction id is normally in GPA. format, but it can be differently formatted if you are using Google Play pass or if a promotional code was used. We get this transaction id from Google, so unfortunately there is nothing we can do about the formatting being different.
