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Expose `promotional_offer_id` in Webhook event for iOS Promotional Offers

  • 16 September 2022
  • 3 replies


We are adding iOS promotional offers to our app and want to track if someone has redeemed a promotional offer or not. From reading iOS docs they say that the receipt will return `promotional_offer_id` when a promotional offer is redeemed. Would it be possible to return this in the webhook event just like you do for `offer_code`? It would be super helpful for us.


3 replies

Userlevel 5
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Hey @Walter Holohan

We appreciate the feedback here! Supporting additional webhook fields is not currently one of the focus areas we are working on, so I can’t make any promise as to when this request might get picked up. However, we do have improving our webhooks on our roadmap and will make note of this request.

Badge +3

Hi @tina, is there any word on when this might be implemented? It would be super helpful for us as well. We are more or less blocked from implementing promotional offers because we can’t accurately report when a customer is given a promotional offer discount using RevenueCat webhooks. From the outside it seems simple to add another field that is present on the receipt to the webhook, is there more complexity than that? Thanks!

Badge +3

We’re trying to implement iOS promotional offers as well - if this data is not available via webhook, is there any other way to know if someone has purchased using an offer? (without resorting to parsing and storing receipts directly ourselves)
