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Webhook BILLING_ISSUE from Apple

  • 28 June 2022
  • 1 reply

How many days before renewal (expiration date)
can a BILLING_ISSUE event come from Apple?
In Apple's documentation they say that they try to see if there is a problem with a payment with the customer 10 days before and 24 hours before
try to renew the customer's subscription several times.
I was in doubt if I can receive a BILLING_ISSUE 10 days before that period or if it would only be within 24 hours before.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @Rodrigo!

RevenueCat is checking and refreshing the receipts from Apple every couple of hours so if they’re checking 10 days before renewal for a billing issue it would get picked up by RevenueCat at that time as well.
