
Unity Ios. Some non sub products don't match App Store at all

  • 3 July 2023
  • 1 reply

Badge +5

Most our product profits sync correctly. But some products that we have recently added show in RevenueСat dash board only 10-30% of what we see in the App Store. This problem only happens with iOS. We use RevenueCat Unity sdk, Unity purchases and Observer mod in RevenueCat. On the client, when we request the user's data from the RevenueCat server via SDK, we get the correct purchase amount. If we multiply that amount by the cost of certain products we get correct numbers. But in the RevenueCat dash board they are not correct at all. And we send data from the RevenueCat dash board to Adjust, which is very critical for us. What could be the problem? 

Also please tell me, is there a way to find out in the RevenueCat dashboard not the total revenue from the product, but the number of purchases of certain produts? This would help us understand the problem a little better. Perhaps purchases for some reason goes to RevenueCat with zero value?

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi, you can always expect some difference between App Store Connect's data and RevenueCat's data since we don't plug into App Store Connect directly at all. Our metrics are all generated as a snapshot from the receipt files we have saved for your users. Additionally, timezone differences (we use UTC, Apple uses PST) as well as calendar months (us) vs. fiscal months (Apple) is often the reason for discrepancies like this. We've put together most of what we know about why data is different in an article on data discrepancies here that's worth a read:


In order to better investigate why you may be seeing data discrepancies if the above does not explain it, as well as why some purchases are $0, I recommend opening a support ticket so we may look into this further on our end as there is sensitive information we should review that I do not recommend posting here:


is there a way to find out in the RevenueCat dashboard not the total revenue from the product, but the number of purchases of certain produts?

This is not available via the dashboard’s overview, but you can view this data via scheduled data exports. The first will be an export of all your transaction data, where you can then filter by the product_identifier. See our docs here for more details on this:


Perhaps purchases for some reason goes to RevenueCat with zero value

Some reasons this can happen if the receipt does not contain the price at the time it is sent, or if it is family share and that user is not the one who purchased the product. But in order to better determine the cause, I recommend you create a support ticket so we can look into this further.
