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Hello! I have an issue with fetching current offerings: callback object is always null

2021-10-28 09:32:32.072780+0300 MagicKids[2441:2439627] json = {"offerings":{"all":{}}}

However, on app launch (specifically 2 seconds BEFORE GetOfferings() call) I can see normal json with my product in logs (I’m not sure what function is calling this):

2021-10-28 09:32:30.328012+0300 MagicKidsd2441:2439627] json = {"products":"{"description":"Full access to our app for a 3 month","introPrice":{"periodNumberOfUnits":1,"periodUnit":"WEEK","priceString":"0,00 RUB","price":0,"period":"P1W","cycles":1},"price_string":"2 650,00 RUB","intro_price_period_unit":"WEEK","currency_code":"RUB","title":"3 Month Subscription","price":2650,"identifier":"com.MagicKids.Go.tier5","intro_price":0,"intro_price_period_number_of_units":1,"intro_price_period":"P1W","intro_price_string":"0,00 RUB","discounts":u],"intro_price_cycles":1}]}


  • I’ve checked API key
  • I’ve checked product ID
  • I’ve checked there are no any pending agreements in the AppStore

I think the wrong method causes this issue. I have an entitlement, not offering in my dashboard, however GetEntitlements() is marked as Obsolete. 

If I call GetProducts() instead of GetOfferings() everything is fine.

It looks like we lost track of this post, but I wanted to follow up here to clarify this behavior - Entitlements are activated after the purchase of a product that’s linked to the entitlement. To check for active entitlements, you’ll need to fetch PurchaserInfo, then check the user’s active entitlements (this is why the GetEntitlements method was deprecated, as it’s now included in PurchaserInfo). For more information, you can read our docs on checking subscription status:

Hi @Marianna Alpatova,

You’ll need to attach your products to an offering in your RevenueCat dashboard in order to fetch and use offerings. You can follow our guide from our docs to set up an offering:


So, the entitlement is some sort of useless thing?

Hi @Marianna Alpatova,

You’ll need to attach your products to an offering in your RevenueCat dashboard in order to fetch and use offerings. You can follow our guide from our docs to set up an offering:
