Hello! I have an issue with fetching current offerings: callback object is always null
2021-10-28 09:32:32.072780+0300 MagicKids[2441:2439627] json = {"offerings":{"all":{}}}
However, on app launch (specifically 2 seconds BEFORE GetOfferings() call) I can see normal json with my product in logs (I’m not sure what function is calling this):
2021-10-28 09:32:30.328012+0300 MagicKidsd2441:2439627] json = {"products":"{"description":"Full access to our app for a 3 month","introPrice":{"periodNumberOfUnits":1,"periodUnit":"WEEK","priceString":"0,00 RUB","price":0,"period":"P1W","cycles":1},"price_string":"2 650,00 RUB","intro_price_period_unit":"WEEK","currency_code":"RUB","title":"3 Month Subscription","price":2650,"identifier":"com.MagicKids.Go.tier5","intro_price":0,"intro_price_period_number_of_units":1,"intro_price_period":"P1W","intro_price_string":"0,00 RUB","discounts":u],"intro_price_cycles":1}]}
- I’ve checked API key
- I’ve checked product ID
- I’ve checked there are no any pending agreements in the AppStore
I think the wrong method causes this issue. I have an entitlement, not offering in my dashboard, however GetEntitlements() is marked as Obsolete.

If I call GetProducts() instead of GetOfferings() everything is fine.