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Revenue is $0 for test transaction

  • 15 October 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone,

I’m doing my first test purchases with my app in the sandbox, and I have noticed something unusual: 

In the Overview page with “viewing sandbox data” turned on, the Revenue box contains the correct value, but the Revenue for the individual transaction is $0.

Is that normal?

Also, when I click on an individual transaction, its “Total Spent” is $0.

Is that also normal?

I deleted the customer and did a single purchase, and then I took some screenshots to show what I mean. Please see below.

The event id in question is c1cf0445-21fa-46fb-8407-719f199177cb








2 replies

Badge +1

Okay, thanks Tina. That is good to know.

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hey @dan000 

This is normal- test transactions aren't real revenue, so in the list of transactions it will be logged as '$0'. The 'Revenue' metric in the Overview may display the test revenue amount from your sandbox purchases, but ultimately this is just for demonstration/test purposes. The "Total Spent" for a user will never take into account sandbox transactions, so that is expected to be $0 for your test.
