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Our users can use an apple promo code to get 30 days free trial.

Before this, users can get 7 days free trial first.

7 days free trial → 30 days free trial (granted by promo code) → normal


we successfully get webhook events when 7 days free trial starts,

but we found that we didn’t get events when 30 days free trial starts

(we should get some events today)


please help us clarify this issue, thank you :pray:

This is currently being resolved in a support ticket but I wanted to offer an update for anyone else experiencing something similar. 

RevenueCat currently will not send an additional webhook when the 30 days offer code free trial begins after the 7 days standard free trial. This has been filed with the engineering team to work on in a future sprint.

For now one workaround is to make a call to our REST API when the 7-day trial ends to get the latest info on the user. You should be able to detect whether the user is in another trial that way.

Thanks for your patience! I’ve already updated you personally, but for any readers who find this post: this has been fixed. We now send a renewal webhook when the 30 days offer code free trial begins after the 7 days standard free trial.
