Lately I received multiple users who already have an active subscription from Google Play, then signed out and created a new account and from what I understand they won’t be allowed to subscribe with the same billing / Google account.
However, I received a webhook call from RevenueCat that he subscribed successfully in the new account with a $0 bill.
This is the webhook call back I have received from RC:
"presented_offering_id": "plus","price": 0,"price_in_purchased_currency": 0,…"transaction_id": "GPA.3333-***
And both records has a unique transaction id under the same Google Play account, here’s records:

I am not sure what’s happening, it’s the third times in the last 2 weeks.
Please advise.
P.S. I am adding a price check on the webhook function, rejecting new subscriptions with price=0, but not sure any side effects and the user still receive a “successfully subscribed” message on the frontend, so from the user’s angle it will be confusing.
Thank you.