I’m trying to apply a developer-determined offer in the app.
Using react-native-purchases 6.0.0.
I’m able to fetch the Offerings using `Purchases.getOfferings()` and I can see the discount as an option in what is returned.
packageType: 'MONTHLY',
{ discounts:
{ cycles: 12,
periodNumberOfUnits: 1,
priceString: '$2.99',
period: 'P1M',
price: 2.9899999999999998,
periodUnit: 'MONTH',
identifier: '12_month_25_percent' } ],
However, I am unsure on how to then apply this offer.
purchasePackage and purchaseSubscriptionOption each don’t seem to offer an option to apply the discount.
purchaseDiscountedProduct and purchaseDiscountedPackage say they only apply only to iOS.
So how should I apply a developer determined offer in android when making a purchase?