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I have 2 builds of my app (different bundle id’s), production and staging. In appstore connect, I only have the production app, so ive made my IAP’s there and when i use revenuecat with the bundle id set to production, it works with the production build app, all good!

However, when I want to develop on staging, with the staging app, i use the staging instance of revenue cat (different project with the other bundle id)...but this one cant pull data from appstoreconnect...because the bundle id’s are different.

How am i meant to pull IAP’s into my staging app? can i use my production app IAP’s in appstore connect with my staging app? do i need to make a staging app in appstore connect with its own IAP’s? what are the implications of this if so?

Thanks for some help on how to handle this setup!

In-app purchases are not supported using wildcards, so we do not support them. See here for Apple's documentation on this, which states "Because an App ID specifies a unique configuration of entitlements, Wildcard App IDs are for use with code signing all apps that do not enable app-specific capabilities" which includes in-app purchases: 

Hey @cody,


Is not possible to have two apps (bundle ID) with a wildcard (iOS side)?

I mean:

  • have one bundle ID (com.example.main)
  • have one bundle ID (com.example.beta)

And in the configuration (RC), had `com.example.*` like a bundle ID?


Hey @JackW!

If you have a separate bundle ID, you’ll need to create a separate entry in App Store Connect and create the same in-app purchases for that app. Since Apple uses the app’s bundle ID to fetch products, I don’t believe there’s a workaround as of now other than creating and configuring a separate staging app.

Alternatively, you could use StoreKit Testing if you were testing locally on your device, and didn’t need to deploy the app to TestFlight, etc. You wouldn’t have to create a separate app entry in App Store Connect, you’d just have to configure a StoreKit Configuration file:
