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First consumable purchase free, then charge for it

  • 3 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello - thanks for reading! 

I have a slightly unique use case and am looking for guidance. 


Product: A service that allows users to upload a video and we create clips from that video that the user can then watch in the app. 

Goal: I want users to experience this service for free so they can understand and fully appreciate the value of it. Then on subsequent video uploads I want to charge them. 

Issue: I’m not aware of any way to discount/coupon the first In-app purchase and then charge the user for subsequent purchases.


This is on iOS, and the product is a consumable product. 


Appreciate any help!


1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey There! 


Since there is currently not a way to do this natively that I know of, this might require some custom implementation/different products for the different price points. You could set the price for the product to be whatever amount you would want it to be, then for the users first upload you could grant them a promotional subscription which lasts a day or a week or something along that sort that is essentially a free trial or enough time for them to do a free upload. 


Honestly I would try and do this with subscriptions but just having multiple subscription tiers at different price points which allow users to have more/less clips created in order to keep the subscription flow simpler. 
