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Android error Item Unavailable

  • 19 August 2021
  • 4 replies

HI there! I’m hoping you will able to help. Here is the error Item Unavailable, id the correct, in the google account all is also ok. It’s closed testing, and also testers, devices and so on is ok. The app got prices from the cat, but still it doesn’t work. We also can’t make a test purchase via cat and didn’t seen any tries in the sandbox dashboard. 


Maybe someone know what to do next

Thanks in advance 

4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hey @Mariya ,


Do you have any debugs logs showing the error of Item Unavailable?

The "ITEM_UNAVAILABLE" error is thrown by Google when the user isn't eligible to purchase the item. It could be from not testing with a registered test user? Found a few answers on StackOverflow that may help:


Badge +3


Badge +3

Hi! Thanks for your reply.


It’s here 


D/[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request started: GET /subscribers/%24RCAnonymousID%3A67fa906ab1fc4b0b98d1ab1c7356c7aa/offerings

D/[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /subscribers/%24RCAnonymousID%3A67fa906ab1fc4b0b98d1ab1c7356c7aa/offerings 304

D/[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: marga_monthly, marga_weekly

D/[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Products request finished for marga_monthly, marga_weekly

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hey @Mariya

Could you send debug logs that reproduce this? You can enable debug logs by following this guide. After they're enabled you'll see logs like this in the console:

[Purchases] - DEBUG: No cached entitlements, fetching
[Purchases] - DEBUG: GET /v1/subscribers/<APP_USER_ID> 200
[Purchases] - DEBUG: Purchaser info updated, sending to delegate

Please ensure the debug logs include the entire app life-cycle, including the messages printed during initialization of the SDK. The more information you include here, the better we'll be able to help.


Let me know if you have any questions!
