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Fetch in-app apple price based on user's contry

  • 9 March 2023
  • 1 reply


When I fetch products and offerings using RevenueCat react native js library, it says that price is 1.99 for in-app purchase, but when a customer makes a purchase apple shows that price is $2.49 (user’s country is Ghana). The price on app store is set to Tier 2: $2.49 (developer’s account is from Ghana too), but it looks like it depends on user’s settings on the device. Is there a way to fetch actual price based on user’s country? Or revenue cat always returns price for USA (1.99) and I have to manually detect user’s country and convert it?

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

This was handled in a private support request, but this is the answer for anyone experiencing the same issue:

This sounds like the reccuring issue of prices not being accurate in Apple's Sandbox environment. RevenueCat takes the prices directly from the App Store and does not change them. It is not uncommon for prices to not be up to date in Sandbox, but work as expected in production.
